
We've finally made it out of 2020.
We can all agree that this past year has been a challenge. Despite the hardships we've encountered, however, this past year has taught us how to appreciate life. Going into 2020, I set many personal and professional goals, which quickly went adrift when the pandemic hit. It became increasingly difficult to achieve these aspirations becauseI lost a sense of motivation and hope. Not only did we experience the loss of thousands of lives due to the pandemic throughout the year, but also we experienced social injustice and detrimental environmental issues.
This past year has proved that anything can change at any given moment and to not take life for granted. Although the prospect of change can be terrifying, we must learn to adapt. Considering life, as we knew it, changed abruptly I spent a lot of time reflecting on the events that happened this year and asked myself a lot of questions. How can I be the best person I can be? Am I doing my part? Being cooped up inside gave me a lot of time to think about how I can be a catalyst for change.
As a visual storyteller, I promised myself to use my skills for good to raise awareness for different causes in this upcoming year. Imagery is impactful and has the potential to change the world, so I will dedicate my work to prominent causes throughout 2021. After seeing the consequences of lack of awareness for variety of issues, I will create educational art.